What you need to do about the WPA2 Wi-Fi network vulnerability

WPA 2 stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access 2. At the same time, Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity. It is the latest feature in probably every laptop, tablet, smartphone to share an internet connection. The WPA 2 provides for password encryption to connect to the said network and access only authenticated users.

The WPA 2 is vulnerable to several threats deduced by scientific researchers lately. The most dangerous of them is the KRACKs that is the acronym for Key Reinstallation Attacks. KRACKs is not a single threat but an amalgam of several similar threats into one.

Attempting one of the KRACKs methods, a hacker may know the quality and quantity as well as the information itself sent over a shared network or a WI-Fi network. Nowadays, in Work From Home (WFH), due to the COVID -19 pandemic situation, over 99% of information is sent online.

Potential information like credit card numbers, local address, bank passwords, log-in Ids, etc., are being sent to one another for several reasons. The black hat hackers often obtain these, or colloquially called the non – ethical hackers, and misused them. The misuse may range from blackmails to money frauds, physical harassment, etc.

Also Read – The risks of public Wi-Fi

What is to be done?

– The software updates your device provides are to be done at once. A Wi-Fi update at the latest may save you from sinking a ton of your ‘heavy’ information. A stitch in time saves nine.

Password protection and regularly changing them does not help as the routing is done based on the appliance.

– This vulnerability can be catastrophic, but no recent case has been noted. Nevertheless, consider not using the same Wi-Fi if it is suspected of such attempts or buying a new appliance altogether.

– Reputed VPNs and anti-viruses may help too.

– Norton Secure VPN has been deemed one of the best among all the available VPNs. It provides security against all security mishaps, Norton sonar protection,  and eliminates errors like Norton error 3039 1.

Owing to the rigorous use of the internet by the present generation, from ordering food, groceries, as well as medicines online to sending job details, resumes, etc., over the internet, it possesses a good number of weak points that can be and are misused by black hat hackers.

Thus, an individual needs to be aware of such fraudulent practices and undertake necessary actions.

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