Is Your PC Infected with the autorun? in virus Here’s How to Check and Delete It


Numerous programs actually help computer or any technological devices and function. These programs are very important for each and every computer and computer user as the program helps in properly automating the usage of each and every control of the device.

But in the growing world, one of the biggest threats people face using different technological gadgets is digital privacy. Cybercrime has been growing rapidly, and there have been numerous viruses that a particular website or a user has intentionally put down into the device to disturb the functioning of the user intentionally.

Most of the computers of people has been under the control of a particular virus. These viruses have different functions when there are actually present in a device. One of the most common viruses, mostly found in almost every personal computer, is an autorun virus.

Also Read – Simple Tips To Protect Your PC From Hackers And Malware

What is autorun, and how to detect its presence?

Autorun inf virus is actually a malicious virus that is mostly injected into a computer by using several external devices such as USB sticks. This way, it can destroy your computer as it has a very self-executed nature where it gives control over removing or adding any particular file to your device. This where is actually considered very difficult to handle as identification of the virus is also quite difficult.

How to Detect and Delete it?

It is very difficult to detect the autorun in the virus. To identify the virus, a person needs to follow certain steps. The first step is putting the computer in safe mode by opening the open command prompt action. Then the person needs to Delete certain following files to eliminate autorun from the device.







E: autorun.inf

F: autorun.inf

inf files in all drives.


DisableTaskMgr = 1


NoFolderOptions = 1


“Worms” = “%System%logon.bat”

To finish, reboot your computer

This is how a person can identify and delete the autorun. Inf virus from their pc

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